Hello. I am Edis, a programmer.a coder.an engineer.an inventor.a nerd.a coffee lover.a problem solver.
I live in a small town in Bosnia, Eastern Europe.
I write about code, technology and life.

See My Portfolio


    I’ve worked with all the major hosting services, including cloud providers AWS, Google Cloud, Heroku or smaller self managed solutions. Both Linux Servers (Debian, Ubuntu) and Windows Server are my forte.

    Web Development

    Creating new things on the web is my passion. Be it websites, APIs, services, or whatever else comes to mind.


    It is a long established fact that a site with good SEO is a successful site. Contact me if you have any needs on the dev side of SEO.

    Mobile Development

    If you can think of it, there is probably an app for it. In today’s world, a mobile app is a must have for any brand and service.